What Does An Average Day In My Class Look Like Oct 09, 2023

Since I have been teaching for 2 decades I can sometimes find myself on auto pilot.  

Come in at 7:30 AM and get everything ready.

In Advisory Class we either do CNN 10, I-Ready, or watch a video on a college.

During each class period we might do Warm-Up, Notes, Ed Puzzles, Activity,...

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How Do You Handle Your Stress? Sep 23, 2023

My wife and I will often talk about the season of life we are in.  Each season of life brings it's own joys as well as struggles. Remember being 18?  

When I was 18 life was different.  There were many great things.  Just graduated High School and I had my car and I...

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5 Things I Do To Make My Classroom Exciting Sep 16, 2023

I was listening to a Podcast this pass weekend and one of the guest was talking about how regimented he is.  He was mentioned how on the weekend he plans his days.  He said he has a To Do List for his days off.  

I started laughing because that is me.  My wife harasses me...

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A Little Bit of Inspiration Sep 09, 2023

I remember when I was teaching 10th Grade World History and one of the topics was India.  If I am honest the topic itself was never one of my favorites but what I did enjoy was talking about Gandhi.  I even showed the entire Gandhi movie which is several hours long.  

I don't...

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Multiple Preps and Don't Know What To Do Sep 02, 2023

I was listening to a Teacher Podcast a few weeks ago and somebody reached out with a problems.  "I have 4 preps and I don't know what to do".  

First of all let's clarify what a prep is.  It takes time (a lot of time) to prepare lessons for our class.  A normal schedule...

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First Week of School Aug 26, 2023

My first 3 weeks of school are in the bag and so far all is going well.  Every time I pass another teacher they always ask, "How are the kids this year".  My response is always the same, "They are always good the first 2 weeks.  It is the honeymoon period".  There is a lot of...

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Back to School Aug 19, 2023

Can you believe it.  Another school year has begun.  This is my 20th year teaching and I am glad to say I am just excited about teaching this year as I was my first year.  To be honest I am more excited about this year than my first year because I almost got fired my first...

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How Teachers Should Start Their Class Aug 12, 2023


Procedures, Procedures, Procedures.  That needs to be the mantra of every teacher.  I can promise you this.  If you have solid procedures in your classroom you class will run better.

I once heard another teacher say that running your class is kinda like a dance and...

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Tips For Lesson Planning For New Teachers Aug 05, 2023

As a teacher we have some many expectations on how we do are job, it is crazy.  Our district expects us to run our classroom a certain way and our administration has their own opinions.  Parents also want us to run our classroom a certain way.  Ultimately the responsibility of...

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How To Deal With A Defiant Student Jul 29, 2023

Before I started teaching I thought my days would be filled with me sharing all of my knowledge with my students and finding ways in which to make the content relatable and creative.  

I knew there would be some issues of talking and disruption but I thought a quick reminder to get...

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Consequences For Students Who Get In Trouble Jul 22, 2023


There is so much truth to the saying, "It is not what you say but how you say it". 

Let me be the first to say, that students need consequences.  Heck I still need consequences for my actions.  I do my best to teach my students and my own kids that our actions effect others...

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What You Need To Know Before The School Year Starts Jul 15, 2023


I just read a Facebook post from a new teacher stating that school is not starting for a couple of more weeks and they can't stop thinking about all the things they need to do.  

I know how they felt because last night I had a dream that I was teaching class and I forgot my...

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