What I Do The First Week of School

Jul 20, 2024

Just like the first few minutes of class will determine the tone of the class period, the first week of school will set the tone for the remaining school year. 

I use the first week of school to communicate my expectations and set the ground work for a supportive classroom culture. 

I do not cover any material for the first week and instead I focus the class periods around establishing and practicing our classroom procedures. 

Think about your previous years of teaching and what worked and did not work.  I am certain that if you took the time to effectively go over the rules and procedures you probably saw the dividends later on the school year.  

I know I do, so that is why I am such a stickler on using that first week to put everything into place.  

To see how exactly I do that click on the image above to watch my latest video. 

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