How was your year?

Jun 01, 2024

How was your year?

At the time of this posting I only have 3 more days of school left and I am so happy my summer break is right around the corner.  

At the end of of each school year I take a quick pause to reflect on the good, the bad, and the ugly.  

Do you do the same thing?

It is weird how the beginning of the year seems like such a long time ago while at the same time, it seems like it all went by so fast. 

Three highlights of this year were that I had a student teacher for the 2nd quarter of this school year. 

A the beginning of the year I got out of my comfort zone and got more involved with the different aspects of our school. 

I tried new lessons such as Breakout Edu.

What were some of your highlights (good, bad, or ugly)?

In my latest video I go into more details about the importance of reflection and how my year went.  To watch the video click on the image above. 

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