Have You Tried Using a Timer in Your Classroom? Sep 14, 2024

When you first walk into my classroom one of the first things you will notice is that I have a timer running at the front of the room. 

It is nothing fancy.  Just a digital timer I bought off of Amazon for about 50 dollars.  To be honest if I had to do it again I would of spent a...

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How 17 Years Make a Difference Sep 07, 2024

One of the weirdest things happened to me yesterday.  I was walking into another teachers classroom and standing at the back of the room was the Teacher Aide.  

I never saw her before, well at least I thought I never saw her before.  

As I got closer she said, "Mr....

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How to Create a Respectful Classroom Aug 31, 2024

When I first started my three biggest challenges were:

1. Classroom Management

2. Classroom Culture

3. Classroom Decorations

Over the 20 years I have gotten really good at classroom management and creating a positive, safe classroom culture.  Decorating is still a huge shortcoming for me...

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Tardies Aug 24, 2024

Last year at my school we had a huge problem with tardies.  

Let me paint the picture for you.  

We have about 1000 students at my middle school. 

On any given day we had about 120 period tardies.  That means tardies between classes.  

We also had a...

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First Day of School Aug 17, 2024

What does your first day of school look like?

Is it Ice Breakers, Introductions, Story Telling, Down to Business, or a combination of all of them together?

Over the years I have changed what I do the first day and week of school but for the past 10 years I have pretty much done the same...

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Classroom Setup 2024-2025 Aug 10, 2024

I can't believe the time is here.  

Time to put away the bathing suits and suntan lotion and pick up a dry erase maker and textbooks.  The summer like always went by to fast. 

My school year started 1 week ago.  The first day was our school's professional development...

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Mastering Time Management for Teachers Aug 03, 2024

People outside the educational field may think teachers have it easy.  I can see why. 

We have 5 hours with students per day. 

We have weekends off. 

We have all major holidays off. 

We also have other days off that most occupations don't have.  

On paper the...

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Advice For First Year Teachers Jul 27, 2024

So you did everything you needed to do in order to become a teacher. 

You got your B.A. Degree from a University.

You passed those wonderful test that show you know your subject matter.

You completed your CPR and other trainings. 

You put your hours in and finished your Student...

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What I Do The First Week of School Jul 20, 2024

Just like the first few minutes of class will determine the tone of the class period, the first week of school will set the tone for the remaining school year. 

I use the first week of school to communicate my expectations and set the ground work for a supportive classroom culture. 


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Are You Ready For Next School Year? Jul 13, 2024

My summer break is almost at and end and I start school in about another 2 weeks.  Only 2 more weeks.  Hopefully you have a little longer. 

At my school we are trying to put some support systems in to help our new teachers as well as any teachers that may struggle with the...

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Innovative Ways to Incorporate Technology in the Classroom Jul 06, 2024

As far as teachers go I am one of the old ones.  

I am 51 years old and I have been teaching for 20 years.   

The question that needs to be answered is, "Can you teach an old dog new tricks?"

The answer is yes but it may take a little more convincing since we can sometimes be...

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5 Principals in 5 Years Jun 27, 2024

Over my 20 year teaching career I have had over 10 principals and these past 5 years I have had 5 principals.  

That means on average I have had about 1 new principal ever 2 years.  

That is crazy.  

As I think about all of the principals that I have worked with a...

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