What Makes A Great Substitute (10 Things)
Oct 23, 2023IIn my humble opinion, (did you ever notice that the people who say humble opinion are rarely humble) the hardest job in the teaching field is ........ Assistant Principal at a Middle School. Oh my gosh. All day you are dealing with the worst of the worst, putting out fires, dealing with drama, and trying to stay ahead of the eight ball. But that conversation is for another day.
But the second hardest job in the teaching field is being a Substitute Teacher.
I have been fortunate enough to never be a substitute teacher. I went straight from getting my teaching credential to having my own classroom. But the experiences I have had covering other classes, has made me appreciate any guest teacher that is willing to take on an assignment.
I want you to think about that for a second..... I am a veteran teacher and my specialty is classroom management and I shiver at the idea of covering another class. Now don't get me wrong. I do it and I like to think I do a good job (there is the humble part again) but it is draining.
If it takes a toll on me imagine how difficult it is and can be for many substitutes. So when I heard there was a substitute teacher on our campus that was rocking the classroom I had to meet her. I asked her if I could observe her in the classroom and she did not disappoint.
In my latest video I break down what she did to not only gain control of the classroom, but what she did to keep control of the classroom and even get the kids to work.
To watch the video click on image above and I know you will be just as much impressed with her as I was.
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