What Does An Average Day In My Class Look Like

Oct 09, 2023

Since I have been teaching for 2 decades I can sometimes find myself on auto pilot.  

Come in at 7:30 AM and get everything ready.

In Advisory Class we either do CNN 10, I-Ready, or watch a video on a college.

During each class period we might do Warm-Up, Notes, Ed Puzzles, Activity, Video, Blooket, or Digital Breakout.

Once school is over I work on lesson planning, grading, and other teacher duties. 

To break up the monotony I  decided to take a step back and document what I do in a normal class period. 

Oh my gosh, as teachers we do so much in just one class period. 

In my latest video I recorded an ordinary class period just so I can reflect on what I do and hopefully provide an insight to my classroom.

So if you are wanting to be a teacher and want to know what an average class period looks like then this video is for you.

Or if you are a teacher and want to know what it looks like in another class then hopefully this video can shine some light on that.  

To watch the video just click on the image above. 



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