A Little Bit of Inspiration

Sep 09, 2023

I remember when I was teaching 10th Grade World History and one of the topics was India.  If I am honest the topic itself was never one of my favorites but what I did enjoy was talking about Gandhi.  I even showed the entire Gandhi movie which is several hours long.  

I don't know how much my students got out of it but the story about his life always takes my breath away.  The one quote from Gandhi in which I aspire to live up to (trust me I am far from even coming close to living his words) "Be the change you want to see in the world".  

When I am having a rough go at life and wondering what my purpose is, I remember that quote and it breaths new life into me.  I don't have change the world but if I can influence my little part of it and make the world a better place, I am on the right track.  

Quotes and sayings have the power to inspire, motivate, and help us look at life differently.  How about this quote for you, "Your ordinary is somebody else's extraordinary".  

When I started my Youtube channel I was hesitant about putting myself out there.  Did I have something important to share?  Who would want to listen to me?  I don't do anything special?  I am not special.  I reached out to another Youtuber in the education field and asked him for some advice and he responded back that "My ordinary is may be somebody's extraordinary".  

Those words of advice made all the difference in my decision and I am grateful for that.  Hopefully you have some quotes or sayings that you can hold on to when times are getting rough.  If not I got you covered. 

In my latest video I take you through 10 of my favorite quotes and how they made a difference in my life.  I am hoping they serve you like they served me.  

To watch the video click on the picture above and keep fighting the good fight.  

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