Multiple Preps and Don't Know What To Do

Sep 02, 2023

I was listening to a Teacher Podcast a few weeks ago and somebody reached out with a problems.  "I have 4 preps and I don't know what to do".  

First of all let's clarify what a prep is.  It takes time (a lot of time) to prepare lessons for our class.  A normal schedule for Secondary Education would be teaching the same subject to 5 different classes. Thus I need to prepare one lesson for multiple classes.  Therefore 1 prep period is what I have.  But if I teacher 4 different subjects.  Oh my gosh.  That means I would have to lesson plan 4 different things.  That would be overwhelming for anybody. 

So as the host of the podcast was talking he mentioned that he does not recreate the wheel.  He uses what he does in one class and applies it to another.  

That is exactly what I do.  Well, that is exactly what I did (when I had multiple preps).  

In my latest video I discuss the importance of creating routines not just for students but for our classroom.  Routines that help us create a flow (cadence) that helps reduce some of the burdens of lesson planning.

To watch the video just click on the image above.  

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