How to Create a Respectful Classroom

Aug 31, 2024

When I first started my three biggest challenges were:

1. Classroom Management

2. Classroom Culture

3. Classroom Decorations

Over the 20 years I have gotten really good at classroom management and creating a positive, safe classroom culture.  Decorating is still a huge shortcoming for me but I am okay with that. 

In fact decorating and fashion in general is something of very little interest to me.  As I am speaking my wife and oldest daughter have Halloween music playing and are decorating the house.  May I remind you it is still August.  

With all that said, without great classroom management you will struggle to have a good classroom culture.   But once both have been mastered you will have a classroom that not only will be productive but students will feel safe and supportive.  

In my latest video I share how you can foster a culture of respectful classroom behavior.  

To watch the video click on the image above.  

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