How Do You Handle Your Stress?

Sep 23, 2023

My wife and I will often talk about the season of life we are in.  Each season of life brings it's own joys as well as struggles. Remember being 18?  

When I was 18 life was different.  There were many great things.  Just graduated High School and I had my car and I felt the world was my oyster.  I had a job delivering pizza which at the time paid well since I really did not have any bills.  I got to experience new things during my 1st year of college.  But just like any season there were some hardships. 

My parents just recently got a divorce and I was trying to navigate that situation.  Acne was a problem and when you are 18 that could be a major crisis.  I felt I had little direction in my life and did not know what path to take. 

32 years later and in a new season of my life, I can look back past the 3 decades and see just how blessed my life has been.  I am married to an incredible woman, I have 3 great kids, and I have a steady job that has allowed me to provide for my family.  

But if I am 100% honest, I am currently in one of those tough seasons of life.  I won't go into details because it does no good, but this season of life is one of the tougher ones.  So the ultimate question is how do I deal with it?  How do I deal with my stress?  How do you deal with your stress?  

There is no cookie cutter secret nor is there a quick solution but I do certain things that help me get past the tough times.  

In my latest video I share what I do to help me through these rough times with the hope that maybe it could help somebody.  

To watch the video click on the image above.  

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