How Do You Change The Culture Of A School?

Jan 20, 2024

Talk about an ambitious goal.  Trying to change the culture of a school may seem overwhelming and often it is hard to figure out where to start.   

As the saying goes, "How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time".   

That is how you change the culture of a school.  One problem at a time.  

Last year at my school everything we had to address the problem of our school culture when a major fight broke out.  It left us confused, concerned, and very unsure of the future.  As a staff we were scared and as adults we were scared, could you imagine what our students were feeling. 

So through a series of events we put a plan together and started tackling problems at our school.   

If you would like to know exactly what we did and where we are going as a school just click on the image above to watch the latest video on how we transformed my school.  

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