First Week of School

Aug 26, 2023

My first 3 weeks of school are in the bag and so far all is going well.  Every time I pass another teacher they always ask, "How are the kids this year".  My response is always the same, "They are always good the first 2 weeks.  It is the honeymoon period".  There is a lot of truth to that statement but I have been blessed the past few years with some great students.  

Part of the reason my classes have been so good these past few years is due to how I start my school year.  Just like the first few minutes of a class period will determine how the entire class goes, the first 2 weeks of the school year has a great impact on the rest of the school year.  

I believe to the core of my being that if you invest the time into going over the routines, procedures, and rules for the first 2 weeks you will see great results the rest of the year.  And that is exactly what I do.  

For the first two week of school I do not teach any of my core subject but instead focus on creating the climate of my classroom.  I would not do it any other way.  

In my latest video I take you through each day of my first two weeks and describe in detail what I do each day.  

Click the image above to watch the video.  

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