Back to School

Aug 19, 2023

Can you believe it.  Another school year has begun.  This is my 20th year teaching and I am glad to say I am just excited about teaching this year as I was my first year.  To be honest I am more excited about this year than my first year because I almost got fired my first year.  We will save that story for a later day.  

In my latest video I take you through a day of teacher prep so you can see all that goes into preparing for that first day of students.  I got to school at 6:30 and I did not leave for another 9 hours.  That is a lot of planning and copies.  If you would like to watch the video click on the image above.  

One thing I do before the beginning of each school year is to reflect on the previous year.  All of the highs and all of the lows.  And as I thought about last year a particular student came to my mind.  We will call her Miss.  

Miss was not a good student by educational standards.  She was failing most of her classes and spent more time in the counselors office and the nurses offices then she did in my class.   You see Miss was having a lot of personal issues.  Serious personal issues.  

When she was in class she was very quiet but never disrespectful.  She was not a good student but she was and is a good person and that is what maters to me more than any grade.  

I would love to tell you that as the year progressed she turned things around but that never happened.  She ended up either failing my class or getting a D.  But the thing I remember is what happened the last week of school.  

We took an 8th grade field trip to Universal Studios.  While on that trip she and her friend came up to me and gave me a souvenir penny.  I gladly took it and said thank you.  I then gave her a hug and said I know this year was rough but I appreciated having her in class.  

The last day of school she brought me a comical drawing of me and then she said, "Thank you for being my favorite teacher this year.  I know I was not here much and did not do good in class but I had a good time.  And thank you for your hug.  I finally knew what it felt like to get a hug from a dad".  She then left and school was over.  

Wow.  I stood there dumbfounded.  Partly because her words made me feel so sad for her, but also a deep appreciation for my job.  What other job can you have that kind of impact on kids.  That is why we all teach.  

So starting this year I will do many of the things the same I have done for the past 20 years but I will work hard not to become complacent and to honor the great privilege that has been granted to us.  

Have a great year and keep the dream alive. 

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