Are You Up For A Few Good Stories About Students?

Oct 16, 2023

As an old man I find myself sometimes saying, "Kids these days" or "When I was your age".  

I don't know if you can relate but it is hard not to get swept up in the frenzy of comparing kids these days to when we were young. 

I think it is human nature because I remember my parents and other adults saying those exact same things when I was a kid. 

But if I take a step back and think about this generation of youth, I realize they were not so much different than I was.  

Don't get me wrong there are some things that are different.  I did not have a cell phone.  Heck we did not even have the internet.  I sometimes tell my students that, "I am older than Google".  They don't believe me but it is true. 

But my basic interest and concerns when I was younger if the same to this generation.  I want to be accepted but I don't want to stick out.  I want my independence but I still need security.  School is important but I would trade a great grade for attention.  

This generation is not that much different than we were.  To be honest they are better in some ways as well.  

In my latest video I share some stories where this generation has not only proven to me that they are okay but they have surprised me with their kindness and responsibility.  

To watch the video click on the image above.  

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