5 Things I Do To Make My Classroom Exciting

Sep 16, 2023

I was listening to a Podcast this pass weekend and one of the guest was talking about how regimented he is.  He was mentioned how on the weekend he plans his days.  He said he has a To Do List for his days off.  

I started laughing because that is me.  My wife harasses me that I have list for my list.  The sad truth she is right.  I have been known to write on my to do list, write list for school.  

All that said, I could not do it any other way.  I am not sure if it is a gift or a course but the list keep me sane and helps me to clear my mind. 

If you ever go into my classroom you will see the overflow of my list in my class.  My class is organized, structured, and you could even say a little "extra".  

But once in a while I have to break away from the norm and introduce things that are usually beyond my comfort level.  I have to deviate from my wheelhouse and break up the routines.  

In my latest video that is what I talk about.  Five things I do to make my classroom exciting.  They include things such as snakes, jokes, discussions, DJ, and stupidity.  

To watch my latest video please click on the image above. 


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